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Haven Kakumäe is the home harbor of the yacht club

Haven Kakumäe is the most modern maritime center in the Baltic States, offering high-quality marina services such as berth rentals, winter storage for boats and yachts, and storage for both Tallinn yacht and boat owners as well as visiting vessels from farther afield.

Lohusalu Harbor is the yacht club’s flagship harbor

Lohusalu Harbor is located just a few dozen kilometers from Tallinn, in the middle of a popular recreational area. The harbor, well known among local sailors, is sheltered from winds and storms and has space for at least ten visiting yachts.

Old City Marina is the yacht club’s flagship harbor

Located in the heart of Tallinn, Old City Marina has been the Tallinn Yacht Club’s flagship harbor since 2010. For Tallinn Yacht Club, this represents a kind of return home, as the club’s building was also located here before the Soviet occupation.

Grand Holm Marina is the yacht club’s flagship harbor

Grand Holm Marina has been Tallinn Yacht Club’s flagship harbor since 2011. The Grand Holm Harbor is located in the Tagalaht Bay in Haapsalu, at the crossroads of several waterways.

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