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20.02.2025 - 20.02.2025

Club Evening at PoCo Museum

PoCo muuseum

Dear Club Members,
We invite you to a club evening at the PoCo Museum with a guided tour by its founder, Linnar Viik, on February 20 at 17:30 at Rotermanni 2. Learn more about the PoCo Museum here:
After the museum visit, we will enjoy a shared dinner at Restaurant R14 (self-paid on-site). You can register for either the museum tour only or for both the tour and dinner. Registration is open until February 17 on our website:
About the PoCo Museum:
PoCo is POP – Tallinn’s Pop Art Museum, featuring the biggest stars of global pop art: Warhol, Banksy, Koons, Lichtenstein, Haring, Hirst, Hockney, Basquiat, Kusama, and many more. It’s almost unbelievable—but it’s real. Experience pop art in Tallinn like never before!

Club Evening at PoCo Museum
  • Start time: 20.02.2025 17:30
  • End time: 20.02.2025 22:00
Tallinna Jahtklubi
PoCo muuseum
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