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Sailing School

Join the Tallinna Yacht Club Sailing School for sailing training and spend your summer break on the water!

Sailing is a fun and adrenaline-filled activity that allows you to enjoy the maritime world and spend time with friends. With us, you’ll become part of one big and supportive sailing family.

We welcome you to join the Tallinna Yacht Club Sailing School if you’re between 7 and 12 years old. Training takes place in Pirita, Kakumäe, and Lohusalu starting in June, twice a week.

For more information, write to: or call 56234533.

See you on the water!

Registration link:

The Tallinna Yacht Club Sailing School has branches in three locations: Pirita, Kakumäe, and Lohusalu. You’ll meet cheerful and diligent children and professional coaches.

Founded in 2006 by Maria Veessaar, Tallinna Yacht Club Sailing School has become the largest in Estonia. Currently, there are 150 students at the school. Training takes place in the Optimist, Zoom8, RS Feva, 29er, ILCA 4, ILCA 6, ILCA 7, and 49er classes. Sailors range in age from 7 to 25 years old, with an even split between boys and girls.

The Tallinna Yacht Club Board wishes all club members a fair winds for our young sailors!

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