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Nordic Youth Sailing Championship

Classes: Optimist, Zoom8, ILCA 4, ILCA 6, Europe, RS Feva, 29er

The Nordic Youth Sailing Championship (Youth Nordics) is an annual regatta for sailors under the age of 19. The Nordic sailing region (World Sailing Group G) includes Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.

The Tallinn Yacht Club is organizing the Youth Nordics regatta at its home harbor, Haven Kakumäe, one of the most modern marinas in the Baltic Sea, offering ideal infrastructure for hosting a major sailing competition. The event is planned to take place on three race areas: two in Kopli Bay and one between the Kakumäe Peninsula and Naissaar Island. On the course east of Haven Kakumäe, the double-handed classes RS Feva and 29er will compete, while the Optimist class will race west of the marina. The Zoom8, ILCA 4, ILCA 6, and Europe classes will sail on a course located at the tip of the Kakumäe Peninsula. The regatta village is planned to be compactly set up in Haven Kakumäe Marina, hosting the opening ceremony, live race broadcasts on a big screen, athlete catering, entertainment, and the award ceremony.

Competition info:!/


ibis Tallinn Center

Metropol Spa Hotel Tallinn (code “NORDICS”)


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