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Pleasure Craft Operator and SRC Radio Courses

Tallinna Yacht Club offers maritime training, as it’s crucial to understand the actions of other maritime traffic and behave in a way that’s understandable to others. The following courses are starting soon:

  • Small Boat Operator Course – €460, from March 4th to April 15th. After passing the final exam of the course, you can apply for an international small boat operator certificate from the Transport Administration.
  • Small Boat Radio Operator (SRC – Short Range Certificate) Course – €125, on March 14th from 17:00 to 22:00 and on March 15th from 10:00 to 15:00. The course follows the Regulation No. 39 of the Minister of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure, adopted on June 22, 2021. The course ends with an exam, and upon passing, you will receive a certificate from the Transport Administration, which complies with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radio Regulations, Article 47. The Small Boat Radio Operator Certificate is international and valid indefinitely.
  • Small Boat Operator + SRC Radio Course as a bundle – €520

Gift vouchers available for the training.

Tax refunds can be claimed on the training cost.

10% discount applies to Tallinna Yacht Club members, employees of club supporters, and their family members (including NG Investeeringud, Liviko, Matek, Lasita Aken, Haven Kakumäe, Viking Motors, Websystems).

Courses take place in the modern Haven Kakumäe marina ( on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 18:00 to 21:00, except for the SRC radio training.
Sea practice will take place on a sailboat and motorboat in September and October from Haven Kakumäe marina.
The theoretical course lasts for 7 weeks.

For more information:



  1. Theory lessons in the Kakumäe marina classroom on Tuesdays and Thursdays
  2. Sea practice on sailing boats and motorboats


  1. Boat construction
  2. Navigation, pilotage, maneuvers
  3. Maritime safety and collision avoidance/prevention
  4. First aid at sea
  5. Meteorology
  6. Communication
  7. Engines and sails


  1. On any vessel equipped with radio equipment, at least one certified crew member must be present.
  2. The course includes various communication exercises on real equipment.
  3. The skills gained in this course will allow you to call for help via radio and respond to messages from other parties.

Upon completing the Small Boat Radio Operator course, participants will master the following radio communication procedures:

  1. Communication for ensuring safety at sea;
  2. Theoretical and practical knowledge of radio communication procedures.
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