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All Hands on Deck

Tallinn Yacht Club is participating in the international project “All Hands on Deck: Volunteering in Sailing Organisations in Eastern Europe” (project abbreviation: AHOD), which aims to create tools to support, popularize, and develop volunteer engagement in sailing (particularly in the organization of competitions and events at the level of clubs, associations, and international organizations). Project teams and sports experts in various countries (Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, and Estonia) are working on solutions to facilitate communication between volunteers and sailing organizations that need their support. The project involves four sailing associations, two yacht clubs, and a university specializing in maritime and sailing topics.

As part of the project, several international workshops will be held with volunteers and project teams to develop and test methodologies and proposed solutions (ranging from manuals to online tools). Over the course of three years, an important part of the project will be mapping the needs of sports organizations in sailing and conducting surveys on volunteers who already contribute regularly or occasionally to sailing events. One of the key outcomes of the project is a new web platform that will connect volunteers with event organizers.

The project was officially launched on December 1, 2024, and will run until November 30, 2027.

Representatives of the project partners are currently working on initial agreements, tasks, and upcoming activities. Additional information about the project and opportunities for volunteers to participate will be published through the information channels of the Tallinn Yacht Club and the Estonian Yachting Union.

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